



นรุตม์ ปิติทรงสวัสดิ์

Naroot Pitisongswat is a founder and design director of Flo, a furniture brand based in Bangkok, Thailand. He graduated from Industrial Design Program, School of Architecture and Design, KMUTT in 2013. Later he developed his bachelor degree thesis which is a development plan of his family business into a brand and launch for the first time at Thailand International Furniture Fair 2014. He then went to study special course in cabinetmaking at Lycée de L'Ameublement Saint Quentin, France. In 2017, He went to Switzerland to study Master of Advance Study in Design For Luxury and Craftsmanship, ECAL.

He currently study Master Degree in Business Management, CMMU while also running the business.

He is also a book lover, a gallery hopper and a guitarist.

Contact : naroot.studio@gmail.com